I heard this story recently and I thought it was such a good example of: “It’s not just about you!”
A woman who enjoyed gardening at her home had the idea/desire to start a garden at the elementary school that her children attended. They attended a school in the City of Boston and she thought that a garden would be good for the kids. She spoke with the school and they were on board! Little did this woman know that her idea of a small garden at this school would have a life changing impact on the school and the neighborhood.
The garden was a community effort. A grandmother that dropped off and picked up her granddaughter from school every day volunteered to water the garden in the afternoon. This turned into cherished time spent with her granddaughter. Since the garden was for all, they would take home some of the vegetables to cook with them. This allowed her granddaughter to see and enjoy the fruits of their labor.
There were kids at the school that had never tasted some of the vegetables that had been planted but were now given the opportunity to do so. And, they discovered that they LIKED it!
An older gentleman, in his 80’s, that was a neighbor enjoyed stopping by the garden and eating the tomatoes because he thought they tasted so good.
This woman’s idea of a garden touched many lives! Who knows whether that child that tried that vegetable for the first time discovered a passion for gardening or whether the joy of the garden was keeping this elderly man active in taking his walks or whether the granddaughter will discover a passion for cooking because of this garden.
Imagine if this woman had just sat on her idea/desire and did nothing? This garden would not have impacted the lives of these individuals.
I share this story to get you thinking that "It's not just about YOU!" You may think that your idea is “small” and “it won’t make a difference” or “it would be more work than its worth” or “no one would be interested”. Delete those thoughts! If the desire/idea has been put in your heart it’s because there is a purpose for it. So don’t ignore the prompting to do something good! Take a step of FAITH and start because "It's not just about YOU!"